Brett Mitchell
Director of Facilities Construction & Modernization
San Juan USD (CA)
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Brett Mitchell was a featured speaker at K12 Facilities Forum ’17. Read a summary of his session here.
A recent Facilities Master Plan for the SJUSD indicate a $2.4 billion need district-wide for the 9th largest district in California. To accomplish this task, Brett oversees 3 bond initiatives for the district, $350 million Measure J, $350 million Measure N and $750 Measure P with successful passage anticipated in November. The SJUSD has 88 school sites spread over nearly 80 square miles serving nearly 50,000 K-12 students.
Brett Mitchell is the Director of Facilities for the San Juan Unified School District. As the Director, Brett manages a $2.4 billion dollar capital improvement effort with current bond authorization of $1.2 billion. Brett has an undergraduate degree in Construction Management. After several successful years in the construction industry, he left to teach math & physics. Brett then was a high school Principal and now a Director in San Juan. Brett’s post-graduate studies includes a Master’s degree in Educational Administration and a recently completed Doctorate (ABD) in Organizational Leadership. This unusual combination of experience gives Brett a unique ability to manage school district capital improvement interests from both an educator and builder mindset.